Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Episode Two - Season One

The Fisher family received two new corpses. One of them was a young husband, whose bride was in tears and could not consider the funeral. The second in was an old man in hospital.

All the family members received their part for the inheritance. Dave received fifty percent and Nate received the other part of the family buisness. Dave did not enjoy it because he was the only one who worked on it. He knew he had t deal with it, so he gave some tasks to his brother about the busness. Another company tried tu buy them, but the family members refused.

Nate was sent to retrieve a dead body. On the side, he took a break for his first date. He learned he should not leave a dead body in a car over two hours. But Nate had talent in relationships ans Dave asked him to talk with Miss Swan about the funeral. Nate made many mistakes in busness, but his brother was there to teach him how to work for the funeral home.

1 comment:

josyboo said...

Hi this is your questions:
is there any link with the movie "six feet under?" is it in what period?
explain more about relationship of the members?
thank you
see you tomorrow